What are the delivery charges?
Yashpump provides free delivery as per order product condition or limit on orders.
What is the estimated delivery time?
Yashpump manufactures and ships the order within 3-10 business days from the order date. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.
Out of Stock
Currently, the item is not available for sale.
Permanently Discontinued
This product is no longer available because it is obsolete and/or production for it has been discontinued.
Are there any hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc) on items sold by sellers?
There are zero hidden charges when you make a purchase on Yashpump. The prices listed for all the items are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you pay.
Yashpump does not/cannot ship to my area. Why?
There are instances when Yashpump cannot ship to some locations. This could be a consequence of general regulations or serviceability issues.
I need to return an item, how do I arrange for a pick-up?
Refer Return Policy
Does Yashpump deliver internationally?
As of now, Yashpump doesn't deliver items internationally.
You will be able to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world with credit/debit cards issued in India and other countries, but please ensure the delivery address is in India.